Rati's Activities

Daily activities, especially activity at yesterday (Wednesday, 26th January 2022)

Yesterday I was woken up by Eka at 5 am, because my alarm is not ringing.  Then I brush one's teeth, wash my face, and take a wudhu then rushed for the down prayer together.  I thought it was a very cold morning.

After down prayer, I cleaned myself and then I had a breakfast. Next, I prepared myself to take English class with Miss Wina.  The class start at 9.00 am.

Finished the class, I back to my room and I cleaned my room until the time for midday prayer came.  I pray midday prayer and have lunch together. And then continue cleaned my room until very clean. I feel that afternoon was very tired, I asleep beyond the time of afternoon prayer.  I was in a hurry to do afternoon prayer.

After that, I cleaned and prepare myself for sunset and evening prayers together until 8.00 pm. Then I took my clothes which I did at laundry 2 days ago.  And continued to dinner, then did this task and sleep.


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