Sofi Nurfatmawati's Activities


Hello all. Today i want to tell about my daily activities in dorm. Usually i get up at 05.00 am, sometimes i get up at 06.00 am. After that i folding a blanket and tidy up the bed. Then i go to bathroom to take ritual ablution and prepare morning prayer together. After morning prayer, i read sholawat and khataman, than finish at 06.15 am. After pray i clean my room and then i prepare to take a bath. And then i breakfast at 08.00 am. Every Friday i clean the dorm with a group of five.

Now my english class start active again. Usually I join English class with Mrs wina and start at 09.00 am until 10.00 am. Sometimes after class i go to market to buy something with my friends and then i come back before midday prayer. After that i prepare to lunch together, i sleep and get up at 03.00 pm to prepare afternoon prayer. And then i take a bath and go to buy snack or food.

At 05.30 pm i come back at dorm to prepare sunset prayer and then i reading dzikir, yasin, rotib al-haddad, and sholawat until evening prayer. I prepare to dinner together and after that usually i buy snack again. And then at 10.00 pm i must there in dorm and usually i sleep at 01.00 am.


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