Climate Crisis and the Solution

Climate crisis is the bigest natural disaster in human life. The majority of people in this palnet are suffering because of the damage of world system where the goverment often regulates a adverse regulation for natural resources, environment, biotic, and lot of species in the earth.

In indonesia, the fact of climate crisis happening right now is many cases  abourt natural disaster in various areas such as flooding, landsliding, foresting fires, and etc.

The majority of climate crisis cases cause a human bad manners. For example the floods in some areas in Indonesia were caused illegal deforestation by some people or foreign companies that invest here for exploiting natural resources. This reduced the water recipients area.

The bigger problem is when the high rainfall happening, itcan be flooding and landsliding in human settlement. However, the flood causes in metropolisis is high human population, least the water recipient areas, and unconditional waterways. The bad habbit of human abuse the drainage function. Necessarily, it used for waterways, but the people use it to discard industrial waste and biodegradable trash.

Besides, flood causes incommon sense is the rising of sea levels. It is because the global warming and makes the ice in north pole meltied. Certainly sea levels is highier than mainland.

Furthermore, climate crisis happening is’nt just give a bad impact for human but allof organism and biotic in the world as well. While the animals in the forest are losing their habitats. It makes them extint because the human destructived the place where they are rave and reproduce.

In short, the climate crisis is a calamity for all species in the world. It certainly adversting all mankind and next generation.

Climate change generally is called as global warming. it causes the escalation of greenhouse gas happening at asmospheric layer in some period of time.

the climate change perpetually causes the interaction with these components. furthermore, it causes external factors such as volcanic eruption and variations of sunlight, and some factors cause a human habbit such as changing a land use and using a fossil fue.

some influential factors of climate change in this article are greenhouse gas effect, global warming, industrial waste, and the damage of ozone layer and forest function.

today climate change perpetually is giving many impact for all species in the world. the first impact is the occurrence of heavy rainfall. this can engender the floods happening.

the next impact is long drawn out of dry season. it can makes water necessities of human are unfulfilled because of decreasing the water sources

moreover the climate change give an impact for the melted of ice in north pole. this causes  the rising of sea levels and make it highier than mainland.

in short, today climate change gives many impact for human life and all of species in the world. this should make us realize our roles as guardian of life in the earth.

            The solution we can do to appeal that climate crisis cases in the world is to changing the bad manners of human life. Some steps to dicrease climate crisis in Indonesia is doing a little thing that gives a big change for the environment.

The first step we can do to break this problem is to not free and easy in using natural resources. Improvident to use it, making the natural resources in our country is faster to surcease.

Another thing we can do is making ourselves care about the trees and don’t choppe down the trees carelessly. This can reduce the oxygen and fresh air that we inhale.

Moreover, as we know the function of trees and forest in this world is to be an oxygen supplier for human breathing and all of biotic’s need. If more people doillegal deforestation, this indicate there is less oxygen production that we need.

Just imagine, the natural resources and forest inthe world is surcrease. How can we survive? All of human needs for daily necessities is sources from nature.

In short, so many things we can do to appeal the climate crisis. We have to think that climate crisis cases now is giving many impacts for the next generation.



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