Ketapang City, West Borneo

I come from west borneo, exactly i live in Ketapang city or usually called ale-ale city. And there is ale-ale monument also at zero point of the Ketapang city. Ketapang is the biggest district in west Borneo.

Main source of local community income is wood bussiness, oil, palm plantation, swift's nest and service trade.

The three largest tribes in Ketapang city are Malay, Dayak and Tionghoa. There are also Javanese and Madura tribes.

Keraton Matan is a Malay palace. It causes the color is dominated by yellow and green. West Kalimantan province itself is inhabited by the majority of Malays so the majority of all districts in Kalbar are a Kingdom and Keraton.

While for Dayak tribes many types of language ​​are used, usually each region will have a different language. For Dayak greetings often used “Adil ka'talino bacuramin ka' saruga basengat ka' jubata”, which has the meaning of being fair to fellow human beings, be guided by heaven and breathe to the god.

Writer: Eka Dwi Indriani


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