Jerry Anggun's Activities

This is my daily activities on last week, I am very excited everyday. In morning, I usually wake up at 4.45 am. I wash my face, take a ritual ablution and have morning prayer together. After morning prayer, I clean my bed and wash dirty clothes, then dry it.

At 8 am, I always prepare myself and having breakfast. After breakfast, immediately wash the dishes. After wash the dishes, usually I sleep again if nothing schedule.

Usually if i get guidance, i go jogging before breakfast. At 11 am, I usually open whatsapp, youtube or twitter, scroll timeline to read AU (Alternative Universe). Until time for midday prayer. At 1-2 pm is the time for lunch. Then, wash the dishes again. After that, sleep again if nothing schedule.

If it's not like that, go back to scroll the Tl and continue reading AU or even watch k-drama or cartoon. At 4 pm, I have afternoon prayer. And at 5 pm, I wash my face, brush my teeth, then have a shower.

At 6.00 - 7.45 pm, I stay in lobby to sunset and evening prayers. After this, I prepare myself to dinner. Then if I'm not lazy, I go out to looking for some snacks or buy monthly items or what I need. After that it doesn't take too long, back to dorm, eat a little snack, clean up and then sleep.

thank in advance, for reading and listening my daily activities </3


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