Naufal Fauzan Atin's Activities

I woke up earliest at morning in Asparaga's family. Because Husni, the angel of subuh have been adzan with loudest his sound then I've ever heard. Then, I take a ritual ablution in front of bathroom. My friends woke up too. We have morning prayer together. After that, I eat a bread for little breakfast and drink a bottle of tea. Then, I studied some lesson for a couple of minutes. Because my friend was not doing anything, I asked him to play a game but we lost because our team mate was a feeder. Then I went to the bathroom for breakfast in the office. And I had class after that

I went to office then I had breakfast. After that, I was waiting my class with play a game. My class had been start at a quarter past nine o'clock. After class, I went to the camp with my friend. When I arrived, I ran out to my friend's bed and I had asleep. I woke up at a quarter past twelve o'clock. I had pray Dzuhur. Then, I went to office for lunch. After lunch, I was chilling out in my camp until I heard call for prayer. Then I had afternoon prayer.

I played ping pong with my friend. After finish 1 game, my body felt dirty then I took a bath. Then I was watching "Attack on Titan" with my friend in my room. After that, all of us had sunset and evening prayers. Then, we went to office for dinner. After that, some my friends have a class but not for me, Ekky and Arifal. They went back to camp but I still in the office. After that, I and my friends went to our camp. Then I was doing my assignment. Last, I went to sleep.


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