Nur Alvin Indah's Activities


Hai, my name is Alvin, I will tell you about my daily activities.

Every morning I wake up at 4 am, and then I brush one’s teeth, wash up, and take a ritual ablution. Waiting for call of prayer, have down prayer and read the holy Qur’an. After that I take a bath, wash my clothes, dry my clothes, and have morning prayer, and then I have breakfast together.

After breakfast I have english class with Mrs. Wina start from 9 am until 10 am. After class I sleep until 12 am. I wake up, wash up, take a ritual ablution and then have midday prayer together. After that I have lunch together, joke with my friends or play handphone and laptop while waiting afternoon prayer. After have afternoon prayer I take a bath, take a ritual ablution, and read the holy Qur’an for waiting sunset and evening prayers. After that I have dinner and then take a walk, buy snacks, and study with friends until sleep.

Enough for me, If I have many mistakes please forgive me and the last I say nice to meet you


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