Nur Khasanah's Activities

Every day usually i get up at 4.30 am in the morning. Then i take bath and have down prayer together. And finished at 6.30 am I go to my room, and prepare my self to have a breakfast. While waiting the breakfast. I cleaned my room with my friends. Sweep, mop, take the rubbish out, and tidy up my room. So, that is my job every morning.

Every at 8.00 am is time to breakfast. I have a breakfast after I've finished all my job. And then I wash the dishes in bathroom. Because after that I don't have job, so I can enjoying in my room. Have a cup of tea with my friends while listening music, watch YouTube, sometimes study together, and etc.

And at 12.00 pm usually calling to midday prayer, and then I prepare to have midday prayer together. After that is time to have a lunch. As usual I wash the dishes in bathroom. At 2.00 pm the time of take rest. And I get up at 3.00 pm in the afternoon. I go to bathroom to take a ritual ablution and have afternoon prayer together.

I always take bath at 5.00 pm in the afternoon. Then I read a book while waiting the calling to sunset and evening prayers. After prayer, I have a dinner at 8.00 pm. After that, sometimes I have evening class, sometimes free I spend a time for having fun with my friends. And then I come back to my room. And before I sleep, firstly I tidy up my bed, and I go to bathroom to washed my leg and take a ritual ablution, so that not disturb by ghost. And then I go to bed and take rest at 11.30 pm.


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