Ramdhan Setiadhi's Activities


I start my activity at 04.00 AM. I start from down prayer together in Baiturrahman Mosque. But now I can't wake up 04.00 AM because I often sleep over night. After that I always read Al Waqiah before I continue my activity. Next activity is workout in my room, because I bored and do nothing so I start to work out and when I finish it, I take a bath and go to office to breakfast.

Breakfast has been done, I back to my room and do nothing or sometimes I learning what I want until midday prayer. After midday prayer together in Baiturahman Mosque, I back to office to get lunch.  After lunch sometimes I go to curb to sit down and meditate what was happened until afternoon prayer, and I go to Mushola. Afternoon prayer has been done and I go to my room to rest and clean up my room and myself.

When sunset has came I go to Mosque to have sunset prayer together, and after that I read my holy Qur'an until evening prayer. After evening prayer I go to office to get dinner. After dinner I back to my room, sometimes before I go to my room I chit chat with Ayu and other people. In my room I just take a rest or playing a game.


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