My Hometown: Kismantoro Wonogiri

Wonogiri is a district in central Java province, I live in wonogiri exactly in kismantoro. Kismantoro is my hometown, the place when I born and where I grew up. I have a lot of memories, and I can't forget about it.

In wonogiri you can found many foods such as sate, soto, chicken noodle. Maybe you can find this food is in every city but the taste here is different than every city. And next, in central city, you can find ki Hajar Dewantoro statue, and in front of Ki Hajar Dewantara statue there is plaza, the place which always busy at night.

Wonogiri has gajah mungkur reservoir, actually Wonogiri has many vacations such as karst museum, wayang kulit Museum, and also many beaches there, and I feel like. Gajah mungkur reservoir is one of things that make Wonogiri famous.

But my favorite vacation in magetan exactly sarangan. Maybe just it I can't mention one by one

And...If you wanna go to Wonogiri, please be careful!


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