My Opinion & Experience When I Study in Beginner Class

Hello, there! My name is Naufal Fauzan from Stuter with other name is beginner class. I will tell you all about my opinion and experience when I study in beginner class.

Now, we talk about my opinion. My opinion for this class is so cool, enjoyable, and genius. Why? Let me tell you about Miss Wina, she is my mentor in this class. She is wonder woman who can increase my english language form our skill of writing, listening, speaking, reading, and vocabularies with delightful to be the best.

Then, my class of theme is so varian that can't make me bored with this class. Like we sing an english song together for improve our pronunciation, we listen an english song to analyze what the singer tell about, we presentation about something each other, we collect to increase our vocabularies, we perform drama in front of people, and we do exam in the outdoor.

So cool and enjoyable right? Then why I tell you genius? Make someone smart to use language is not always about have a serious class or have an intensive class. Here my class is so fun that you have more feel free to upgrade your english language. Like you use english language to other, you can ask so many questions if you are’nt understand about the lesson or out of topic lesson with our awesome mentor, and other else.

Then, my experience in this class is so perfect, guys. Before I have class, my mentor will ask me about check in password to get in the class. And that always different check in. For increase my vocabularies, this class always give me some new vocabularies like my mentor write some new vocabularies to us. And every monday and thursday we always must report many vocabularies to our mentor with chapter by chapter. This is one of my reasons why this class is so cool. The class is always fun. Like I study in the class with awesome friends too. We can solve our problem each other about topic of class. They always help me if I get problem about my english language. Our mentor is always can't make us bored with this class. She always make us game if we get bored or maybe we teach each other about the topic like we doing teacher and student. This class is always make me forgot about time to go back my camp. Why this class is always fast to end? I just wanna always stay in the class with awesome friends and amazing mentor. But we must always moving forward, right?. Like an idiom that I know, where there's a meeting, there's a goodbye. That I will always remember about this awesome class, man. Oh make me want to cry if I must goodbye to this class. See you next time!!

Writer: Naufal Fauzan Atin


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