The Experience During First Examination and Performance Preparation for Beginner Class

Hi, I'm a member of the stuter class, yup I'm from the beginner class. Here I want to share about my experience during exams and my excitement during performance preparation for the weekly performance event.

once a week we have an examination on Friday. My first examination was held at Carambola Guava Gardens. It's our first time in an outdoor class and it's really fun because we can learn together with nature. From there, we can also see Mount Kelud, which looks even more beautiful, shrouded in fog and expanse of agricultural crops.

After completing the exam, we immediately continued to practice for weekly performance. Incidentally, it was my class's turn to perform. We did a drama rehearsal entitled "Broken-Kite" accompanied by a very humble mentor, Miss Wina. Mis Wina helped us to deepen the role so that the drama looks more natural. After finish a training we went to dormitory, but before going to dormitory we took starfruit first to make rujak. When we arrived at the dorm we rested.

At night we couldn't do the exercise because it collided with NESIA's agenda, namely movie night. However, after the movie night, some of us did some rehearsals, such as me practicing for the MC, Rati practicing for motivation speech and Eka practicing to sing at tomorrow's performance. In the morning we practice at 06.30 am, here we do a clean rehearsal starting from the opening by the MC until the closing. After we have finished the training we went to the field for sports. Coincidentally it was raining so we played ball while it was raining.

After we finished exercising, we got ready to perform. For the main character dressed up by Miss Wina. Before the event started, we prayed together so that it would be smooth during the event. The event started at 10.00 am. The schedule consisted of a motivation speech delivered by Ayu and Rati, then Erin's storytelling continued with the main event namely drama and finally singing together. During the drama, the audience shouted loudly because of the totality of the actor.

The event ran smoothly because of the help from various parties to make this performance event a success. This is my first experience involved in preparing for an event, I learned many things like time management, leadership and responsibility. It was really nice to be able to have experience the hassle of organizing an event and I will never forget this experience.

Writer: Asri Wulandari


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