Culture in Indonesia

M. Afif Izudin -
National culture. is a culture that is recognized as a national identity or national identity. The definition of national culture according to TAP MPR No. II of 1998, namely: "National culture based on Pancasila is the embodiment of the creativity, work and initiative of the Indonesian nation and is the entire effort of Indonesian people to develop dignity as a nation, and is directed at providing insight and meaning to national development in all areas of national life. Thus National Development is cultural development. Department of Education and Culture, Form, Meaning and Peaks of Old and Original Culture for the Supporting Communities, Semarang: P&K, 199"

National culture in Ki Hajar Dewantara's view is "the pinnacle of regional culture". The quote from this statement refers to the idea of unity being increasingly strengthened, so that unity is increasingly felt more than diversity. It takes the form of a unitary state, national economy, national law and national language. National culture can also mean the complete nature of the nation, especially regarding the level or degree of humanity, both physically and mentally.

The definition given by Koentjaraningrat can be seen from his statement: "what is unique and has quality from whatever ethnic group it comes from, as long as it can identify itself and create a sense of pride, that is national culture". This statement refers to the peaks of regional culture and ethnic culture which can create a sense of pride for Indonesians if displayed to represent a shared identity. Nunus Supriadi, "Regional Culture and National Culture"

The statement contained in the GBHN is an elaboration of Article 32 of the 1945 Constitution. Currently, Indonesian cultural figures are questioning the existence of regional culture and national culture regarding the abolition of the three explanatory sentences in Article 32 and the emergence of a new verse. They question the possibility of division by regional culture if the boundaries regarding national culture are not clearly explained.

Before being amended, the 1945 Constitution used two terms to identify regional culture and national culture. National culture is the old and original culture that exists as peaks in regions throughout Indonesia, while national culture itself is understood as national culture which is already in a position that has meaning for the entire Indonesian nation. In national culture there are unifying elements of the Indonesian nation which are already aware of and experiencing national distribution. It contains elements of national culture and elements of foreign culture, as well as elements of new creations or national inventions. 


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