Hi! This is My Dreams and My Ambitions

Farras Adzkia Azzahra - Hello, in this occasion I will tell you about my dreams and my ambition, actually I have a lot of dreams but here I just want to tell you three of my dreams. Ok let's start from,

1.       I want to be a bussiness woman or entrepreneur because I want to be a strong and independent woman. Even though my parents really want me to be a doctor. Actually, I am very sad and disappointed with myself because I haven’t been able to achieve what they want.

If I force myself to become a doctor when I’m actually not interested, it definitely won’t be good.

And besides, I’m not interested in the world of health. Yeah, even though my mom is a nurse. I really don’t want to be a doctor.

Mom, dad. I’m really sorry.

I know you want the best for me, but success doesn't have to be a doctor, right?

I will prove it and make you proud with my own efforts and hard work. But I’m very grateful to have parents who do not impose their will. They really support me, whatever that is.

2.       I want to have tahfidz house for memorizer of the holy Qur’an.

3.       I want to send my parent hajj in Macca.

    Ok there is some of my dreams!

Next my ambition is to get a scholarship from a foreign university, and I know I have to work hard to get it and then to make it easier to get a scholarship I want to get a medal from the Olympics. And lastly, I hope to keep my memory and remain steadfast. Don't be insecure and always be thankful. That’s all from me, thank you for very good attention. Thank you.




  1. After reading this article, my tears welled up on my cheeks without me realizing it. I can't put it into words. It's just a sincere expression of gratitude to the presence of Allah and a heartfelt thank you to the people who love Farras Adzkia Az-Zahra. A heartfelt thank you, as high as it can be, to Miss Wina, who has not only taught English but more than that, has made Sister Rara a better person."


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