Indonesia Baduy Tribe That Reject Technology

Shabrina Fakhrunnisa - Indonesia has many tribes scattered from the islands of Sumatra to Papua and the number can reach thousands of them. Java island has the most number of tribes and one of them is the Baduy Tribe.

The Baduy Tribe is the native of Banten province situated precisely in the Lebak District, Banten. Tradition and culture become one thing that is very preserved by the Baduy.

The Baduy has been designated as a cultural preservation place by the Lebak regional government in 1990 because the area that crosses from Ciboleger Village to Rangkasbitung Village has become the residence for the Baduy, which is the native of Banten Province.

The reason I choose this title is because many people are curious about what the Baduy tribe is like, they said they very closed to the outside world and even reject technology, why are they like that?

The Baduy Tribe itself consists of two groups which are the Inner Baduy and the Outer Baduy. The fundamental differences between the two groups is seen from the way they implement tradition rules. The Inner Baduy still upholds the tradition and applies the rules well. While the Outer Baduy has contaminated with outside cultures.

The Differences Between Inner Baduy & Outer Baduy

Inner Baduy

The Inner Baduy is a group that lives in the forest and it also the most obedient to the rules set by their customary head.

The hallmark of them in this case are their clothes are not buttoned and collared, not wearing footwear and the clothes are only white that symbolize purity and culture which is not affected from outside world.

Indonesia Tribe also does not comply to modernization and rejects technology, money and school. They can only communicate with their native language which is Sundanese and read Hanacara letters or characters.

The Inner Baduy inhabits three villages which are Cikeusik, Cikertawana and Cibeo, led by customary leader called Pu’un.

Pu’un is assisted by Jaro as his representative and is tasked with determining the planting period and the harvest period, also applying customary law and treating sick people.

Outer Baduy

Different from the Inner Baduy, the Outer Baduy live in an area that surrounds the Inner Baduy living area. This outside tribe has accept modernization and also familiar to foreign cultures such as schools and money.

Because they already know money, some Outer Baduy people go outside to sell forest honey. The clothing worn by the Outer Baduy is also different from the Inner Baduy, which is black.
The Outer Baduy lives in 50 villages in the Kendeng Mountains region.


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