Natural Disaster is Disaster Caused by Nature

Natural disaster is disaster caused by nature. For example: earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption, flooding, hurricane, and landslide by natural factors.

In Indonesia there are many natural disasters for example:

1. Tsunami in Aceh 26 December 2004. The number of victims who died as a result of the Aceh tsunami reached 227.898 people. That is the famous natural disaster in Indonesia.

2.The earthquake in Lombok 19 August 2018. That is natural disaster in my own town. Then the center of this earthquake in North Lombok and killed maybe until 555 victims.The earthquake is vibration that occurs due to the sudden release of energy from earth plates. Earthquake is usually caused by movement of earth plates.

How to prevent natural disasters

1.Avoid disaster-prone areas.
2.Reduces slope steepness.
3.Terracing uses a good drainage system.
4.Greenery with plants inside.

Writer: Agiff - MOB English Course


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