Pencak silat The Martial Art from Indonesia

Muhammad Hisyam Al-Farisi - Another Indonesian culture that has been recognized by the world is pencak silat. Many historians say that pencak silat was first discovered in Riau Province during the Sriwijaya Kingdom era, namely in the 7th century.

Pencak silat comes from two words, namely 'pencak' and 'silat'. The definition of pencak is the basic movement of self-defense and is bound by rules. Meanwhile, silat means perfect martial arts movements that originate from spirituality.

The aim of learning pencak silat martial arts does not only include self-development in terms of art, sports and self-defense but also develops mental and spiritual education. During the process of learning pencak silat you will be taught about beliefs about the existence of God.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) designated Pencak Silat as an Intangible Cultural Heritage.


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