Perspectif of Foreigners About Indonesian

Inayah Izzati - I did some research with my family and my friend that live abroad. I ask them how foreigners see Indonesian unique culture. Then I ask my cousin and my roomate.

For the first, I asked my brother about "How hongkong people see Indonesian?" They are amazed that we have to pray five times in a day. They are amazed with our faith. Another thing, Hongkong people shock why Indonesian when weekend they stay outside at park. And chill there while, Hongkong like to stay inside. And my brother laugh, because nowadays, he is domestic helper that like chill right there.

Secondly, my cousin said, Japanese people shock that Indonesia people like to rent house together insteed of having privacy. Also when walking Indonesian like to walk with a group, while Japanese they like to walk alone. Japanese think Indonesian are so unique and extrovert. Because they are loud in the street. Since that, my cousin become more quite when she walks with her friends.

The last, from my roomate said, Malaysians are shocked why Indonesian can marry different religion. Because in Malaysia, is not allowed to do that. They think this is so unique. Malaysian also amazed with Indonesian that is super diligent and hardworking to support their family in Indonesia.

This is my research about foreigners perspectif of Indonesia.


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