The Maulid Festival on Lombok

Imam Nurhidayat - The Prophet Muhammad Maulid is one of the great days celebrated by muslims in Indonesia especially in Lombok Island. Lombok Island is known as a thousand mosques, so it is no wonder that Lombok also covers the great days of Islam as much as does the Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad.

Every region in Lombok has the unique way for celebrating the Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad. In greeting the great day of Islam: Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad in lombok, the village government invites the people to join to celebrating the Maulid the Prophet Muhammad.

The mosque youth conducted a race to celebrate this maulid celebration. A week before the maulid celebration of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon the village) government shared each and every one of the families to make a typical meal to be gathered at the grand mosque. While the youth of the mosque hold race-track such as speech competition, adzan, etc. These competition is for kids growing up.

When the day of reckoning came to the mosque for public speaking. After the presentation was completed, all who followed the presentation ate together at the mosque and afterward the committee distributed food to all of them.


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