The Positive and Negative Impacts from Social Media

 Here the positive impact from social media:

1. Make us easy to interact with many people sociable spread, distance and take isn't problem make us easy in express ourselves, spread information, fast and cheaper costs.

2. Make us easy to communication everywhere. As before, distance become defend for people to communication. They must mail a letter and it's wait for a few months. And now technology make everything easy, as before people used mail a letter. Now, the people can use handphone to send messages.

3. Opening job opportunities
The exist of social media, many companies start hiring and open link from internet for easier people.

Negative impact from social media

1. Hoax in social media. In this case, maybe every single person often heard hoax news. Information sent from people to others indeed easier do with social media. But don't forget for always check the fact of information.

2. Not appreciating time with the people around us. Usually, we play phone and use social media in our daily activities and make us forget to give attention to environment
around us.

Writer: Samsul Hardi - MOB English Course


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