The Unique Culture of Indonesia: The Interesting of Boran Dance

Nayla Munaya - Boran Dance is a traditional dance from Lamongan which depicts the lives of Boran rice sellers who sell their wares and interact with customers. Apart from being rich in artistic and cultural values, this dance also has many philosophical values in it.

Boran Dance is a very famous traditional dance in Lamongan and is one of the typical dances there. At that times, Boran rice sellers sold their wares by using wakul or rice containers made of bamboo and placed on their heads to bring them. To sell it, they walk and offer their wares to everyone they meet. Under the hot sun and the hardships of life, they struggle to find their fortune.

This Boran Dance movement is a simple and meaningful movement. Every movement in the Boran Dance depicts the activities of boran rice sellers in ancient times, from preparing food to selling it to customers.


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