Traditional Game of Stilts

Ilfiyana Rosyidah - The game of stilts is one of the tradition that originates from Lampung the name is terompang pancung. Such games are not just invented in Lampung, but can be found in several other areas.

Stilts is a traditional game using two pairs of long bamboo sticks with footrests. How to play it is by climbing the bamboo stick. Then the players are asked to walk using stilts. Still play can bring many positive benefits to a person. For example, training carage perseverance, patience, and phisical balance.

Anyone and person any country can play stilts. Many people think that stilts can be used as a traditional Indonesia sport. But unfortunately only now only in remote areas are cultivating this stilt game.

Today's young people are more familiar with gadgets or toys made from plastic importade to traditional Indonesia's games. Traditional games or sports must still be considered because they are part of history and sports in local wisdom.

Don't let our traditional games and sport become extinct.


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